I love you, City
It is hard to believe it has already been two weeks since I made the trek to Capitol Hill in Denver to apply for my teaching license, but I wanted to post a few pictures I took while wandering abound. Being Downtown reminded me of the things I love the most about cities-- Architecture and this history it can't help but conjure. Architecture! I love love love love it. I love the juxtaposition of the historical and modern, the decorative next to the functional. I love old architecture full of brick and iron because it reminds me of a time when people weren't too busy, weren't in too much of a hury to remember to also make everything beautiful. We've lost something in our prefabricated, concrete and glass world. We've lost the floral motifs, the scrolled metalwork that makes our world more than a place just to get things done and move on to the next thing. There is something about the beauty of the details that helps us stop and look and reflect upon what our lives really are.
I've been thinking some about moving to Capitol Hill. I've been reminded of dreams I used to dream about living in the city, teaching in a school with as little as my own school had, changing the lives of kids who have nothing, who live in unadorned worlds of brokenness. I don't have any idea where the future will lead, what is ahead for me, but I am working hard at listening. As I delve deeper into the reality of this post-grad life means, I am learning that it may be bigger than I thought, it may require more sacrifice, and it might cause me to change my mind about more things that I planned to change my mind about. who knows? We'll see where it all goes, I suppose...
Busy with a few creative things...
It is official. I am living the true life of an artist. I have been busy at work painting and drawing, getting new ideas and exploring what is next for me in my painting-- as much as I can squeeze in between working, interviewing for the summer, getting ready to actually start working full time at the Y, and also looking for teaching jobs-- and trying to keep up with all of the wonderful people in my life. BUT-- I think I am a bit more of a legitimage artist considering I am waiting for my next paycheck so I can buy some more cadmium yellow. I feel like Monet on a rainy day. Sad sad sad. Itching.
Nevertheless, I am excited about some of the things coming out of me. I am exploring some new colors, really trying to push myself to use more whites, or at least trying to venture up to the higher end of the value scale. I am finding myself needing to remind myself to be very aware of the importance of dynamic choices in terms of amounts in color and value. I am pleased with the way things are coming out. I am exploring a lot with fibers, getting really exciting about what I can do with fabric. I have also noticed a bit of a shift in the scenes I am compelled to paint since moving here closer to the foothills. The images that continually come to mind are less about plains meeting mountains and more about mountains meeting mountins, the valleys and hills that seem to crumple like blankets, ready to enfold. I've been thinking a lot more about cells, about plants, about what growth looks like on paper, on canvas. interesting ideas that haev not yet been fully explored... perhaps more will come.
I have been thinking and dreaming a lot about where life is going. At this point, things feel a bit scattered-- I am stretched, arms wide, between a lot of different things. Trying to figure out what my passions for kids and teaching are leading, how that is all going to play out in this economy that seems to have sucker-punched education right in the gut. I am happy to be wtih kids at the Y, but am really longing to be doing something more with all of this creativity, all of this strength, all of this ability that is just screaming to get out of me. The job market is quite bleak and I feel like I could be doing so much more-- but it is so much a matter of waiting, of patience, of letting my life develop as it does, walking deeper into the woods, reading more words, letting experience build upon experience. But the day will be coming, indeed, it is surely on its way! It is just a matter of continuing on. Continuing the walk, continuing the search.... getting up each day and doing a little at a time.
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