
I love you, City





It is hard to believe it has already been two weeks since I made the trek to Capitol Hill in Denver to apply for my teaching license, but I wanted to post a few pictures I took while wandering abound. Being Downtown reminded me of the things I love the most about cities-- Architecture and this history it can't help but conjure. Architecture! I love love love love it. I love the juxtaposition of the historical and modern, the decorative next to the functional. I love old architecture full of brick and iron because it reminds me of a time when people weren't too busy, weren't in too much of a hury to remember to also make everything beautiful. We've lost something in our prefabricated, concrete and glass world. We've lost the floral motifs, the scrolled metalwork that makes our world more than a place just to get things done and move on to the next thing. There is something about the beauty of the details that helps us stop and look and reflect upon what our lives really are.

I've been thinking some about moving to Capitol Hill. I've been reminded of dreams I used to dream about living in the city, teaching in a school with as little as my own school had, changing the lives of kids who have nothing, who live in unadorned worlds of brokenness. I don't have any idea where the future will lead, what is ahead for me, but I am working hard at listening. As I delve deeper into the reality of this post-grad life means, I am learning that it may be bigger than I thought, it may require more sacrifice, and it might cause me to change my mind about more things that I planned to change my mind about. who knows? We'll see where it all goes, I suppose...

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