
Entering New Worlds

I walked through the doors of Lincoln Jr. High School for what felt like the 100th time on Monday-- except this time it felt a little closer to being real. As I settled into a seat in the lecture hall, I looked around and thought to myself, awed, There are real-live teachers all around me. Strangely, I felt like I was standing on the Red Carpet in Hollywood or something-- all sorts of my own heros were all around me and I was one of them.

This summer, I am working for the school district as an One on One ELA tutor. I am scared out of my wits and stoked out of my mind. I was "hired" without interview and with little information about what the position would entail, but in a nutshell, I'm broke and will take any experience I can get. Typically, the people they hire for this job are ELA-Certified teachers. I'm a "Teacher Candidate" with a content area in Art. But I got it anyway and here I am.

I don't know what this summer will hold and all that I will learn, but I think it will be definately a great learning experience, if not an exciting one. I let you know how it goes!

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